Five Cents Ten Cents

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Financial Freedom: Drinking Coffee While the World Goes By

My good friend once remarked that once he had achieved financial freedom, he would want to spend his time drinking a leisurely cup of coffee on weekday mornings and watch the morning crowd pass him by as they go about working for a living.

Such is his dream and to some extent it is mine as well! :-)

What is your dream that drives you towards financial freedom

I encounter many posts in internet investment and personal finance forums from people who ask for the best investment that yields the highest returns in the shortest possible time. Others ask how they can save and invest without sacrificing their lifestyle that involves shopping, eating at restaurants and supporting a car.

They have a dream to drive a fancy car, to dine in nice restaurants and to be RICH with a capital "R".

Your dream can drive you towards the pinnacle of success or it can drive you crazy with the frustration of impotence in achieving your goals of being RICH.

But just dreaming of being RICH does nothing for us unless it spurs us on to take concrete action. The dream does nothing for us if it is the mere accumulation of material possessions for us to show off that we have MADE IT and are RICH.

My dream is to be financially free. Being financially free doesn't involve wearing bling-bling and brandishing the latest Rolex watch. It is not about the car I drive or the home I stay in. It is about escaping from the time-money trade-off. It is about being able to spend quality time with my daughter when I choose to. It is about being in control of HOW I can maximise the life in my years.

your dreams are your goals in the ideal state

Your dreams are actually your goals in an idealised state. Every endeavour begins in the mind. It comes from the conscious and the sub-conscious mind. In order for you to achieve your dreams, you have to sacrifice and make changes for you to hit the ideal state. Along the way, we either lower our dreams or uplift our lives to meet the lofty targets that we set for ourselves.

My dream is simple but yet challenging. It is to escape the time-money trap that engulfs all of us who work for a living. The escape route is laid out in front of me through my goals set in being financially free. I know how much investible savings I need to be able to sustain my current standard of living. I know what it takes to get there. And I know it takes me time, effort and perseverance to reach my dream.

I will get there because I am focussed, determined and patient. I will get there because that is what I dream about. I will get there because I am willing to do what it takes to live within my means, save and invest and to grow my means to get there.

You can do so too, if you truly believe in your dream.

Be well and prosper.

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