Mind map your way to financial freedom!
Why is it important to get your mind organised for financial freedom?
Mind mapping is a good way to do brain storming, to put down your thoughts (on any subject) on paper and to improve the clarity of your thinking. I have used and continue to use mind maps to help me plan my life and to articulate my thoughts in a visual form that helps keep my objectives clear in my little grey cells. [By the way the mind map above is something I referenced from the internet and not my own creation.]
It is critical in your efforts to achieve financial freedom to first clarify your goals and objectives. Your mind is a state of flux as we go through life. You pick up all types of ideas and information and your brain tries to sort out all these in some meaningful form before it becomes overwhelmed and then begins to process such information poorly. If you have established clear goals for financial freedom, then it helps if you can map out in your mind clearly the possibilities that will help you reach that goal. A mind map can help you clarify what you need to learn and apply in order to achieve the ultimate goal of financial freedom, where passive income from dividends, interest or yields from your investments cover your living expenses.
Break down financial freedom into digestible chunks
To demonstrate how it works, let me mind-map the essential ideas that I continue to espouse in this blog fivecentstencents.A picture paints a thousand words and having a mind map quickly allows you to put ideas down and allow you to organise them in a way that is meaningful to you. To structure it into cause-effect or using a input-process-output model. To break down core ideas in the main branches to sub-branches and to generate details to help you execute or flesh out the key ideas into workable bites.
My mind map above was done in 5 minutes using Freemind. Check it out as it is released as a freeware.
A mind map is just one way I find useful in my quest to continuously clarify my thinking about financial freedom. Many roads lead to financial freedom and it is up to us to explore which road will bring us there whether to be a quick and fast path or a slower but more relaxed path.
You may have other ways to record down your thoughts and ideas on ways to improve your own thinking about financial freedom. Do share them here as we learn and grow together!
Be well and prosper!
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