Five Cents Ten Cents

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I hate my job but I love my salary! :-)

Love-hate relationship with your job
How many of you have a love-hate relationship with your job?

Those of you who have worked for x number of years know that so long as you are an employee, you are subject to some extent to the whims, fancies and idiosyncracies of your bosses, supervisors and colleagues.

Few of you can claim to have the perfect job where job satisfaction, remuneration and bosses/colleagues are all good. More often than not, we will have some parts of our jobs that we hate, other parts that we love and if your remuneration is fair, you appreciate what your salary does for you.

So it is the same for me! I have a love-hate relationship with my job as well. I hate some of the aspects of the job in terms of the actual work, I like some of the other aspects but ultimately I am reasonably happy with the remuneration although nobody will refuse more money. :-)

Jobs=Money=Savings=Investment=Financial Freedom
So what does having a love-hate relationship with your job got to do with financial freedom. Love it or hate it, your job brings with it income and money that are building blocks towards you achieving financial freedom. Before we reach the critical mass of investible savings of say $250,000 to $100,000 depending on your lifestyle needs, we need to trade time for money and work to earn this savings.

It takes time and financial discipline in saving and investing it to grow at a faster pace than inflation. And it takes patience and dedication to grow that investment to a sizeable amount where the passive income from dividends, interest, capital gains, yields is significant enough to pay for your living expenses.

For me, my job is a means to an end. I enjoy some aspects of my job, I dislike other aspects of it. But overall, it provides me with the steady income to continue to provide for myself and my family and allows me to grow my family's networth bit by bit to our target.

Your job is part of your pathway towards financial freedom
Your job helps you achieve financial freedom through the cash flows it generates. You determine how these cash flows help to build up your net worth or is used to acquire useless trinkets and stuff that after 1-2 years you will throw away.

You work 8-10 hours for that paycheck.
You put up with bosses and co-workers idiosyncracies and moods.
You endure stress, tiredness and irritation.
At the end of each day, another dollar(s) earned.

How you spend your dollar defines how far you go towards financial freedom.

You have the POWER. Use it responsibly.

Be well and prosper.

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